Legal notice

Sprick GmbH Bielefelder Papier- und Wellpappenwerke & Co.

Hanfstraße 23
33607 Bielefeld

Telefon: +49 521 932050
Telefax: +49 521 9320510


Personally liable partner:
Sprick GmbH, headquarters Bielefeld

Managing Directors:
Dr. S. Sprick-Schütte, Dipl.-Ing. A. Sprick-Schütte,
Christian Drauschke, Christian Elsner, Bastian Schalk, Johannes Schubert

Commercial Register: Local Court Bielefeld
Registernummer: A 12763

VAT ID No in accordance with § 27a of the Value Added Tax Act:
DE 124001517

DE 124001517

Note on the German Consumer Arbitration Act (Verbraucherschlichtungsgesetz):
Sprick GmbH Bielefelder Papier- und Wellpappewerke & Co. is neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement procedures in front of a consumer arbitration body. Sprick GmbH Bielefelder Papier- und Wellpappewerke & Co. shall therefore not participate in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration body.